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Monday, February 15, 2010

Can there be love without passion?

A human being can fall in love with a tree if they want to. Love, in it's essence, seems to be about an internal admiration for someone or something. People can love the person they are with but not be visually passionate for them. You can love your best friend without wanting to jump on their bones. Passion on the other hand turns a visual admiration into an animal lust. To have passion for someone or something is to have an unquenchable appetite for that object of affection, whether it's a person, hobby, career or knickknack. To have passion is to give most of your energy to be consumed by another person or thing.

Having passion is diving deeper into the moment that the object of desire is present. Every day, in every city or town, every second and minute, someone is having passionate sex with someone they may not even know. Since that's possible, one might come to the perception that love is internal and passion lies in the external. Some people have also been in a situation in which they are dating or married to someone they love, because of convenience. Many couples get together with one mate assuming that even though they are not passionate about the person they met, maybe they can fall in love over time.

Passion seems to be nothing more than a novelty emotion exaggerated by romance novels and good movies. Even some actors get overwhelmed by the actions of passion written in script for the characters they play. Apart from the novelty of passion, there is the exception to the rule; there are individuals that have passion for one another person, but sometimes more than not, it turns out that one of them is an enabler or they both share a love for a certain drug or hobby. Most times, these meetings catch both individuals by surprise and convert a skeptic into a romantic.

While the lucky few find a passionate lover, average love seems to be based upon the opposite persons ability and resources. This concept may seem narrow-minded, but it explains the overwhelming amount of couples who love for convenience. When a person shows up in ones life that can fulfill their needs, but is not physically attractive to that person, gold digger or not, that individual can develop a love for the mate they are now dependent on in some way, whether it's financial and/or emotional. That is love without an initial passion.

A nice smile, a beautiful face, a great butt , a sexy laugh or even a beer belly can induce passion for some individuals. These outer elements of illusion fuels a persons passion for another person. Passion often stems from fantasy and a plethora of visual desires. Meanwhile, some people can meet others they have no interest in but over time they realize that that person is the right one for them. Love depends on many variables exclusive to each person with their own set of DNA. So... this dilemma can go both ways, there can be passion without love and love without passion. It all depends on who's loving who and what's most important.

By Canaan W.E.J Robinson


Anonymous said...

good one, really interesting to get to be part of that, I wish I can find one

Sarbira said...

this is a very very good point. something i am trying to come to terms with myself.

to be with someone who can provide you with what is necessary and expected...and maybe a smile.

or to be with the one who is your fire and passion, who is the unexpected,who makes you laugh and who makes you cry.

im not sure i can love without passion, id get bored.